Knowledge Resources & Publications

ISBN (Print) :978-1-77368-406-2 | ISBN (Online) :978-1-77368-407-9


Indigenous cultural safety - An environmental scan of cultural safety initiatives in Canada - Chapter 2 - National-level cultural safety initiatives

March 2024

Chapter 2 of the NCCIH’s Indigenous Cultural Safety: An Environmental Scan of Cultural Safety Initiatives in Canada focuses on initiatives and resources that have been developed and implemented by the federal government and organizations operating at the national level to improve access to culturally safe health services for Indigenous Peoples. These include initiatives and resources released by the federal government and its various agencies and departments, alone or in partnership with provincial/territorial governments and organizations, as well as by professional, Indigenous, and/or other organizations with a health mandate operating at the national level. The many activities identified occur across multiple levels (structural, systemic, and service delivery), sectors, and disciplines, and demonstrate the leadership role national organizations are taking to facilitate cultural safety within health care systems.

National level cultural safety initiatives are wide ranging. They include structural changes for how services are provided to Indigenous Peoples; initiatives focused on reconciliation, health equity, and cultural safety; engagement and partnership activities; new programs and services; national policies and strategies that incorporate elements of cultural safety to address health issues; and efforts to build a culturally competent workforce through the development of professional competencies, standards, and guidelines, among others.

Note to reader: While all resources in the Indigenous cultural safety chapters were freely accessible on the Internet when they were included, the NCCIH assumes no responsibility for any links that are broken or changes in free access. The resources listed are, in large part, resources that are external to the NCCIH. They are intended for general information only on an "as is" and “as available” basis. Please refer to the NCCIH’s disclaimer on its Privacy policy.

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Indigenous cultural safety chapters

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